Explore The Colorful World


“The moment of the traditional, industrial, and their cultural sceneries of South Korean’s four seasons, we are lure of it”

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The information when you are invited to have Korean dinner party

South Korea is now one of the most wealthiest country, and their cultural influences are shiny. They have dramatic advancement of economical development. It would be their pride when this topic is in concern, that they also had some history of being economically poverty years. The civilians had very poor conditions in daily financial status,…

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What is 우울?

우울 is melancholy. The literature definition is melancholy, and medical definition is depressed state of mind. If it is severe ailement, it is 우울증, which is depression. It is continuity of resentment state of mind, many geniuses in authorship are reported as melancholy men. Their way of writing had unique sensation which transmit the feeling…

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What is 환희?

환희 is joy in English language. It is joy in a sense of delightful mind, really stronger sense of common word happiness. If poor dad has been demanding to give good condition of life to his children, when he won lottery, it is said to be that he has delighted state of mind. The degree…

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What is 고뇌?

고뇌 is agony. Respectful dad who is poor so when he cannot help children as other standard of living, it is agony of the dad. The prince Hamlet who could not defend himself and his father’s death also fell into agonized depression. The agony is symoblic state of mind, when person experienced hard condition but…

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What is 분노?

분노 is rageous fury in English language. It is often noted as wraith, sudden furious explosion by recognizing unfair treatment for long period of time. We have emotional rage when we are treated as unfair condition. 분노 is more than angry or anxiety, it has nuance very explosive emotional state in this condition. In Korean…

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What is 애정?

애정 is affection. The affection meaning as love and emotional bonding together. It is by definition “mother’s affection to children” or “comrades’s affection to each other” and so on. It is more than love between lovers, more emotional sense of respecting as the way they are so and deep respect for their existence. Religiously it…

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It is time to see all of the contents in this site. All of the contents in this site would be interesting for all people who would like to see the ways Korean people think and live their life, the content in this site would like to present the big picture and details about Korean cultures and Korean people.

See these contents First


The most important thing we need to do is to see what language they use and how the vocabulary means to.


What is best foods for international gourmet friends? This is beyond recommendation of Kimchi or Bibimbap.

Explore The World

This is cultural aspects of South Korean dimensions, two of the main categories: good things and bad things. We can bring you every aspect of their cultures, with positive and negative impact. South Korea is basically great attractive country. How about knowing deep dive into it? Take a look at it!

The historical perspectives

South Korea started as their modern development history from poor country, who was taking the support by wealthier countries. They now have become the wealthier country who is giving support for the underdeveloped countries. This section explains how its progress has been advanced, as dramatic narratives.

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