
What is 명제?

명제 is translated term from English word proposition. In philosophy, especially in analytic tradition, use of proposition is an important step to do good thinking and arguing about it. Proposition is often as a form of propositional knowledge and its instance is this: “I know the earth is round”. This is statement same meaning with

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What is 존재?

존재 is in English language “existence”. It is the state of having being, or simply being. When we say 그것은 존재한다 it means exactly what meaning? There is believed as existence with with essence, essence exemplifies existence, so one knows how essence exists as entity. The being is the minimal concept which to know what

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What is 포스트모더니즘?

The term 포스트모더니즘 is translated from French word Postmodernisme which has many applications often different referents from its main academic areas. The arts postmodernism is just meaning that art has evolved around many movements and minimalism in its core. In philosophy especially French ontology and politics, it signifies movement of eliminating modernist way of thinking,

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What is 현상학?

From Greek world, philosophy was started by philosophical endeavors in pursuit of finding the ways of attribution. The ontological way of this is tradition of Western philosophy, which has been more than 2500 years of penetration. The natural sciences and experimental attitude have evolved around this tradition, as in modern form of quantum mechanics explanation

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What is 해석학?

In mathematics, 해석학 is Analysis, but in philosophy it is Hermeneutics. It is philosophy concerning understanding and interpretation of theory and its foundations. It concerns the Bible, life, history, community, their extent of understanding as texts and so on, these are textual what we need to understand and interpretative methodologies. The modern sense of 해석학

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What is 분석철학?

분석철학 is philosophy about analysis. The analysis is going through the study of relation between propositions, properties and languages. It has style of suggesting propositions from its interesting topic each research concerns about, and represent the opinion of the author to respond the questions around it. The unique sense of 분석철학 is that it is

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