분노 is rageous fury in English language. It is often noted as wraith, sudden furious explosion by recognizing unfair treatment for long period of time. We have emotional rage when we are treated as unfair condition. 분노 is more than angry or anxiety, it has nuance very explosive emotional state in this condition.
In Korean way, there is illness 홧병 which is illness caused by condensed mind which was not directed outward long times. In this case 화 is less violent than 분노, 화병 is resentness of recognizing restriction in their life experiences. Mother who was working hard but treated unfair by her husband becomes to have 홧병, and it is emotional dysfunction unique to Korean people.
Psychologically, if we want not to be 분노한 상태, we need to find the way to relieve stress. So, Korean people have leisure cultures developed well, it is research topic how modern Korean cultures are shaped by it.