What is 애정?

애정 is affection. The affection meaning as love and emotional bonding together. It is by definition “mother’s affection to children” or “comrades’s affection to each other” and so on. It is more than love between lovers, more emotional sense of respecting as the way they are so and deep respect for their existence. Religiously it is kind of agape love to people.

It is said to be affection that changes life of student Helen Keller, affected by Sullivan and it is heartfelt story that human affection can change person’s life. The chicken soup for the soul is another equivalence how Korean people perceive the word 애정.

Chinese people and Japanese people can understand the nuance if it is spelled in Chinese writing. 애정 is 愛情 which is 애 as love, 정 as emotional bonding. It is also tradition Korean people distinct their culture from other countries so is meaningful to understand Korean 情 cultures.

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