The term 포스트모더니즘 is translated from French word Postmodernisme which has many applications often different referents from its main academic areas. The arts postmodernism is just meaning that art has evolved around many movements and minimalism in its core. In philosophy especially French ontology and politics, it signifies movement of eliminating modernist way of thinking, and it tries to implement an escaping modern ideas, so is post-modernism.
The modernist thought is shaped as objectivism such as humanism and seeking into truth. The dignity is important conception to it. However, 포스트모더니스트 claims that there is more dimensions on this conceptions, there is not truth, diversity on it is much important than dignity of self. It denies the importance of grand-discourse, or meta-narrative, and political hegemony.
It is often compared to British-North American tradition of analytic philosophy. There have been debates around the two movement. The postmodernist literatures are highly corrobrated with language tricks, like Derrida did, so American physicist Alan David Sokal had applied the postmodern deception as ridiculous endeavor.
It is widely held philosophy and there is how it is required and helpful to understand human foolness in some societal problem, but it is flammable debate if 포스트모더니즘 is extended as serious sciences or not. It is interesting topic for methodology discussions in philosophical research.